Twingly AB

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Twingly AB – Keep´s you updated all over the world

Twingly AB keeps track of updates from millions of online sources like blogs, forums, news, VK, etc. Their focus is broad coverage that includes all significant data sources in each country, all over the world.  

Through easy integrated APIs, the clients get access to all that data, just a fingertip click away!

Keep´s track of online discussions

Twingly both deliver data to clients all over the world and also get data from all over the world. 

Whether you want to keep track of all 260,000 Dutch forum posts daily, or the 180,000 Norwegian posts, Twingly got it. 

Whether you need news articles from 2,500 news sources in Australia or want to track the 52,000 daily news articles from Turkish newspapers, Twingly got it.

Numbers of Twinlgy - EDenberg Design AB

Just to set some number on what Twingly can deliver to you as a customer/client:

  • Twingly index 4 million blog posts per day
  • 30 million forum posts per day from over 9,000 forums. 
  • 3.2 million news articles per day from 135,000 active sources.

Twingly is transparent

Twingly strive to be transparent. The clients can always see the status and historical uptime of the systems and services, and they share all their coverage in detail.

Twinglys live update edenberg design av

Twingly can monitor clients sources too

Twingly can add the client’s sources to their monitoring today and save their time and resources. Combined with Twinlyg´s data, the clients can offer their clients much better coverage.

Try out Twingly your self – right now

You have the possability to try Twingly out your self. Just push the button below and you will get to the homepage – when you are there, just register an account and you are set to go!

Pontus Edenberg has turned Twingly around

CEO Pontus Edenberg has been working for Twinlgy since 2007, first as a Business Developer up until 2015, when he got offered the role as the CEO. 

After he took the skippers place at the company,  he has turned Twingly from a yearly losing business to a profitable company with a clear future perspective and healthy growth.

Twingly numbers
Twingly’s yearly numbers

Read up on Twinlgy’s offers, numbers and follow here:

Homepage: Linkedin: Twinlgy Yearly numbers: Twingly on

Pontus Edenberg Twingly - Edenberg design AB
Pontus Edenberg – CEO Twingly